Office of Policy, Innovation and Performance works with all areas of the agency to develop, implement, and report on the performance of programs necessary to achieve the vision on the performance of programs that support both MDOT's mission and MDTA's vision. This program area is responsible for coordinating Managing for Results (MFR) and the Attainment Report data with the Maryland Department of Transportation to ensure consistency and cohesiveness between the two agencies. Performance Management also coordinates the efforts of data collection and publishing to the Open Data website.
Strategic Plan
The key focus areas highlighted on the Roadmap are projects, programs and/or areas that each Division and Office is working on. The Roadmap represents MDTA focus areas for the next three years. Divisions and Offices will create strategies and action plans on how they will support the key focus areas. The Roadmap helps MDTA employees see how all jobs are connected to the MDTA’s Strategic Plan and MDTA.