Southeast I-695 closed on Outer Loop at MD 173 (exit 1) and Inner Loop closed at MD 151/North Point Boulevard (exit 42).
Harbor Crossings alternate routes are I-95 or I-895 tunnels.
Visit Harbor Crossings or more information.
MDTA Traffic Cameras by Facility
Northern Region:
Central Region:
Southern Region:
MDTA Active Construction Projects:
Use the map above to display information about active engineering and construction projects.
This information is updated periodically and includes the type & description of the work being done, contract number, location, start date, and expected finish date. Note that the initial zoom level may cause overlapping of projects/traffic cones. Please zoom in to identify individual projects using the instructions below.
Map Controls:
- Reposition/Move Map
- Left click mouse & drag
- Two-finger drag (mobile & touch-pad devices)
- Zoom Map In/Out
- Use on-screen +/- buttons
- Roll mouse wheel
- Two-finger stretch (mobile & touch-pad devices)
- Display a Project
- Click traffic cone icon
- Tap traffic cone icon (mobile & touch-pad devices)
Direct Link to Active Construction Projects Map on Google.