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Statute, Regulations and Trust Agreement

The MDTA is an independent state agency and as such is subject to the same State statute and regulations as other State agencies, unless specifically exempted by Statute or regulation.

Annotated Code of Maryland (Statute)

Statute specific to the MDTA can be found in the Transportation Article, § 4-201 through §4-407 and §21-1401 through §21-1414.

Maryland General Assembly - Statute Look Up (Link to external site)

Maryland Code of Regulations (COMAR)

Regulations specific to the MDTA can be found in 11.07.

Trust Agreement

The MDTA is also legally required to operate within the parameters established in its master Trust Agreement dated as of September 1, 2007 which covers debt issued in 1992 through 2007, as well as providing for the general terms and conditions which apply to future debt issuances. A supplemental Trust Agreement exists for each additional series of toll-backed debt which has been issued since 2007. The supplemental Trust Agreements set out the specific terms and conditions that apply to each subsequent bond issue.


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