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I-95 ETL Northbound Extension – Project Overview

This project will continue the Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MDTA's) efforts to provide a safe and reliable drive for its customers. In addition, the proposed improvements will increase quality of life for numerous communities with the construction of several new noise walls, the replacement or rehabilitation of seven bridges that are more than 50 years old, improving water quality, and the construction of two new Park and Ride facilities. The Park and Rides are designed with 200-275 parking spaces and include bicycle facilities and accommodations for transit connections for Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) and Harford Transit LINK services. The extension is expected to be open to traffic by the end of 2024 to MD 152, with the full extension to north of MD 24 open to traffic by the end of 2027. The proposed improvements will provide our customers with the option of using the general purpose/non-tolled lanes or using the ETLs. The ETLs will provide a relatively congestion-free commute for all users including those traveling by transit.

Project Purpose

  • Provide congestion relief
  • Improving safety along the corridor
  • Provide a more efficient commute
  • Increase quality of life with several new noise walls
  • Replace or rehabilitate multiple bridges that are more than 50 years old

What is the Northbound Extension?

The Northbound Extension will add additional express toll lanes to I-95 from the northern limit of the existing lanes at the MD 43 interchange in Baltimore County to MD 7 in Harford County.

The project includes additional construction work to replace or reconstruct bridges and overpasses, reconfigure interchanges at MD 152 and MD 24, construct new ramps to the northbound ETLs at the I-695 interchange, construct new noise walls, construct new park and ride facilities, create new transit connections, and various additional works for items like drainage. Reforestation and improvements to existing streams will also be undertaken as part of the program.

The map below shows the overall extent of the project.


Project Map:

Contact Information:

Maryland Transportation Authority

Attn: Brian Wolfe, PE

Director of Project Development

Office of Engineering and Construction

8019 Corporate Drive, Suite F

Nottingham, MD 21236


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