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I-95 at Belvidere Interchange Project

I-95 At Belvidere Road Transportation Improvement Study – Home

The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), conducted a NEPA study to identify potential improvements to Interstate 95 (I-95), Belvidere Road, and other nearby transportation facilities between MD 272 and MD 222 in Cecil County, Maryland. The study area is within proximity of major Mid-Atlantic metropolitan areas such as Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC.

The NEPA study was completed in early 2022 with a Record of Decision from FHWA approving the construction of a new interchange on I-95 at Belvidere Road. Design and construction of the interchange began in 2022 after the NEPA study concluded.

Public Involvement

The I-95 at Belvidere Road Transportation Improvement Study included public outreach and involvement efforts. Below are the newsletters, brochures, and materials from public meetings for the study.

Postcards and Newsletters


Public Calendar